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Purchase Conditions

General conditions of use of service of electric tuk-tuks offered by the company. This service is suitable from two (2) years of age. Minor users must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

The tours cannot be modified, shortened or simplified at the request of the client, nor can they be carried out without returning to the starting point. Neither can the starting point be modified, nor can you contract only part of the tour with a partial price. Any improper use of the service, which can be understood as public passenger transport in tourist vehicles, for the simple purpose of moving from one place to another, is prohibited.

It is important to note that the guide drivers who drive the tuk-tuks are accompanying guides of tourist groups, not tour guides.


  • The price and length of service is the informed price plan on web site at the time of the contract of the service and set up according to the General Price List (in terms of services, taxes and fees).
  • The reservation of the service shall not be considered as a right to the use of the service. The service will be hired once the customer has made the payment by any tools available.
  • Customer agrees to be prepared to start of service on the date and estimated time and place agreed, if there is any delay, the contracted activity will reduce the tour, which could to cause a change in the contracted service. The activity will be canceled if the delay is greater than 15 minutes and, in such case, no refund of the amount will be made subscriber.
  • The client agrees to pay l amount corresponding to the fines or penalties arising from any breach of the law, that may be incurred due to misuse or misconduct during service, as well as surcharges for delay payment by the Client and the judicial or extrajudicial expenses in which may have incurred as a consequence of the foregoing.


  • If cancellation of the contracted service is made with a notice of more than 24 hours, 100% of the amount paid is reimbursed. Cancellations are not allowed for pre warnings shorter than 24 hours. If cancellation of the reservation occurs without notice will not make any refund.
  • In the event that weather conditions or other exceptional conditions (closing streets for demonstrations, blocking the traffic, etc.) completely prevent the realization of the service, not the amount paid will be refunded.
  • The tour will take place in rainy or hot weather, with the exception of extreme conditions.
  • In case of mistake when reserving the number of tuk-tuks on the website, and not realizing it until the start time of the tour, ECO TUK TUK S.L. will not make any refund, since that availability will not have the possibility of being reserved by another client.
  • In case of changes in the itinerary due to closed streets or demonstrations on the day of the tour, the amount paid will not be refunded.


The contractors of the service are informed that the driver of the vehicle reserves the right not to initiate / terminate the activity in the event that any of the following behaviors are breached or contravened:

  • The client agrees to make responsible use of space that occupies in the vehicle as well as the rest of components and comply with the rules of the Highway Code.
  • It is forbidden to modify the seat assigned to each participant at the beginning of the activity, as well as to get off the vehicle while the activity lasts, unless otherwise instructed by the driver.
  • It is forbidden to get up or make any movement that could alter the normal operation of the vehicle and / or cause discomfort or damage, both to the occupants of the vehicle and to the rest of the road users. Therefore, it is prohibited to take arms, legs and / or objects out of the vehicle.
  • Participants in the activity are obliged to be respectful to the rest of users and pedestrians, avoiding in any case to address to them offenses or insults, as well as shouting or screaming in excess, maintaining a reasonable and adequate noise level at all times.
  • It is the obligation of the occupants of the vehicle to take care of and respect the furniture on board the vehicle.
  • The participants are obliged, beforehand and throughout the tour, to wear appropriate clothing to the type of activity to be carried out. It is prohibited, for example, the use of mankinis and / or thongs, provided they lack any element that covers them, as well as going without a shirt.
  • It is forbidden to carry out any behavior likely to distract the driver, as well as try to get at the controls of the vehicle.
  • It is forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages on board the vehicle, being allowed non-alcoholic drinks, as well as certain foods (snacks, etc.) as long as they are not packed in glass, cans or ceramics.
  • Smoking is prohibited on board the vehicle.

Finally, notice, the above is not a closed list, but are susceptible to include any unusual behavior, contrary to those normally required of other citizens


  • If the activity is to be carried out in the summer months, in order to avoid heat shocks and other adverse effects caused by the temperature, participants are recommended to bring a bottle of water in a plastic container and use protection. solar.
  • Vehicles do not have space to store luggage, only a bag or backpack, so you should review the size of their membership s before boarding the vehicle. 


I am a person over 18 years and my participation in the activity to be carried out with hiring the service is entirely voluntary, I am aware of being solely responsible for my behavior / performance in participation in the activity organized with the vehicle of , as well as responsible for the behavior / performance of the minors under my charge.

  • I know and I am responsible for the risks and I exempt the entity regarding any damage and / or physical injury that I may suffer in my person or in the minors in my charge while the activity lasts, consequence of any action or behavior that contravenes the provisions of the s general conditions of service.
  • I know and I am responsible for the risks and I exempt the aforementioned contracting entity from any damage and / or physical injury that could be caused by myself or minors in my charge to third parties unrelated to the activity in the course of the same, as a consequence of any action which contravenes the provisions of general conditions of service.
  • I know and I take responsibility for allegations that agents of the Authority may develop as a result of my actions or of the actions of minors in my charge, on board the vehicle or during the development of the contracted service.
  • I exempt from liability to the service provider entity. if due to circumstances beyond their control that prevented the course of the scheduled route (for example, traffic cuts), it would have to pass through unscheduled locations or reduce its duration, without prior notice to the participants.
  • I exempt the aforementioned company from liability for any theft that it may suffer from a third party during the tour.
  • I exempt from liability to the service provider in the event that the driver is forced to decrease or make a shorter journey of the contracted, due to circumstances beyond their control, such as the unpunctuality or bad behavior of all / some of passengers (clause also applicable in case the service is contracted by different groups).
  • I know and I am responsible for the fall of any object from the vehicle, personal or not (mobile phones, cameras, video cameras, etc.), whether the vehicle is moving or stopped / parked.
  • I exempt from liability to the service provider of any breakage or damage that could suffer an object, personal or not (mobile phones, cameras, video cameras, etc.), as a result of his fall from the vehicle because it was delivered to the staff of the company for taking pictures, videos, etc.
  • I know and I force myself to follow and make follow the minors in my charge, the instructions of the personnel of the company, in order to maintain order and the smooth running of the activity.
  • I know and I am responsible for the damages or injuries, own or third party in or outside of the activity, that i or the minors in my charge could cause as a result of violating the prohibition to change my seat / get off the vehicle while the activity lasts
  • The entity will not be responsible for the damages caused by third parties to passengers.


  • I have been informed and, therefore, I authorize and accept that use and / or publish my image and that of minors in my charge for advertising or marketing purposes. In case of disagreement with this clause, the personnel in charge of the activity must be informed, which will record this refusal in writing (this document must be signed by both contracting parties).
  • I have been informed and, therefore, I authorize and accept that use cameras in the vehicle for security and internal control purposes. The images taken by these cameras will only be used for the purposes of ECO TUK TUK S.L. internal statistical control and will be eliminated after 15 days. In case of disagreement with this clause, the personnel in charge of the activity must be informed l before a contraction of service.
  • That in case of any doubt or misunderstanding regarding the terms of the contract and in the absence of proof to the contrary, the parties shall adhere exclusively to the stipulations in writing.
  • That in the event of cancellation and / or reduction of the total duration of the activity due to causes beyond the control of the service provider, the same will not make any refund of the money paid to the account.


The Client authorizes the automated processing of personal data collected in this contract, necessary for the provision of the agreed service, as well as for the offer and contracting of other products and other business services. The Client is informed of the right to access, rectify and, if necessary, cancel their personal data by email

The Client gives his consent so that ECO TUK TUK S.L. SL cedes his data to companies of the group, to his franchisees or to others with which concludes agreements of collaboration for the best provision of the service tourist vehicle electrical, located either in Spain or abroad, respecting the Spanish legislation on the protection of personal data.


This contract will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish laws. The issues arising from this contract between and the Client are the responsibility of the Spanish courts and tribunals corresponding to the city where the contract was signed, to which both parties submit.


From the confirmation of the reservation and therefore the payment of the service, the client will assume in an express way, the totality of the present General Conditions and acceptance of Privacy Policy.

In the event that a person registers another, or is in charge of minors, assumes in each of these General Conditions in his / her name / s.



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