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Why visit Barcelona with Eco Tuk Tuk?

Arco de Triunfo de Barcelona

An ecological service that allows you to enjoy the streets, monuments and points of interest of the capital of Catalonia from these electric and open vehicles. According to TripAdvisor, it is one of the best outdoor activities in Barcelona, and it is no coincidence, since in Madrid and Malaga they are the best activity.

Eco Tuk Tuk Barcelona has several routes, the most popular being: Historic Barcelona and Welcome Barcelona. All the tours depart from the North Station of Barcelona, and take place through the heart of the capital of Catalonia, through that essential Barcelona in a historical, artistic and monumental tour that offers the best perspective of the city. Eco Tuk Tuk provides the best information, as well as the best anecdotes and recommendations, so that tourists can enjoy the city to the fullest.

Eco Tuk Tuk is operational every day of the year and the schedule during the autumn-winter season is from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

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